Commercial Pest Control in Melbourne


Don't Let Pests Clog Your Place With Our Commercial Pest Control Services!

Hire a Pestie – your one-stop solution to banish those unwanted party crashers from your home or business! We understand that pests have no regard for personal space, and that’s why we’re here to kick them out in style with professional pest management. Say goodbye to your uninvited guests and hello to a pest-free paradise!

Because Pests Hide, But We Seek Them Out in Sherlock Style!

At Hire a Pestie, we’ve simplified Commercial pest inspection and control for you. Our team of “pest control experts” not only provides commercial exterminator service, but they’re pest-fighting superheroes, ready to save the day! We don’t just eliminate pests, but ensure that your commercial place stays safe from pesky intruders for a long time.


Pests in commercial offices and buildings are like those guests who overstay their welcome – irritating and gross. Our team of experts know how to show them the door with corporate pest extermination. We offer comprehensive pest control solutions for companies, tailored to your specific needs. From bed bugs to rodents, we’ve got the tools and tricks to make intruders vanish into thin air.

commercial pest control in melbourne

Party-Pooping Pests Be Gone!

We're so confident in our commercial rodent control services to ensure the "Party-Pooping Pests Be Gone!" guarantee. If pesky intruders dare to crash your commercial office or building, we'll come with professional pest-busting experience. It's our promise to you - "We've got your back with pest control for businesses!"

commercial pest control in melbourne

Zero Hassle, Maximum Relief With Our Industrial pest control Services!

Worried about the inconvenience of pest control for warehouses? Don’t be, as we’ll make the process as smooth as silk, with a sprinkle of satisfaction on top. Our pest exterminators are pros at what they do, and they bring joy to intruder elimination. No more stress, just pure pest-free delight with our commercial property pest service.


We don’t just kick pests out, but make sure they don’t come back for round two. With our cutting-edge pest prevention strategies and office pest control service, you can enjoy peace of mind and a pest-free environment for good. It’s time to show those critters who’s boss with the Hire a Pestie team!


If you're playing host to more critters than clients, it's time to call in the Hire a Pestie professionals. When pests become your business partners, you've got a serious issue on your hands.
We promise not to steal the show! Our stealthy pest exterminators work their magic when you're closed for the day, so your business can continue to thrive without any creepy interruptions.
While we can't put pests in a witness protection program, we can make your place so inhospitable for them that they'll start looking for a new hangout. Our pest inspection and control guarantee is as solid as a cement fortress!
We're the eco-warriors of pest control! We use environmentally friendly pest control methods that won't leave a trail of destruction behind. Rest easy knowing we're battling bugs, not Mother Nature.
Just like a good cup of coffee, it's best when it's fresh. The frequency depends on your pest predicament. We'll customize a pest inspection and control plan that suits your needs, so you can stay pest-free and focused on growing your empire.

Are You Ready to Evict the Unwanted Guests?

Don’t let pests ruin your commercial space! Contact Hire a Pestie today for eco-friendly commercial pest control like no other. We’re ready to kick pests to the curb, and bring relief to you. Call us now and let the commercial pest prevention begin!
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