Pest Inspection


Hire a Pestie is on the Hunt!

Hire a Pestie’s pest inspection service, where we make pest-hunting as fun as a game of hide and seek (but with way fewer surprises). If you suspect your property is harboring secret intruders of the six-legged variety, then it’s time to bring in an expert and professional pest inspection service. At Hire a Pestie, we turn pest inspections into an adventure that leaves no nook or cranny unchecked!

Your Pest Problems, Our Prowess!

Our pest control experts are the ultimate pest inspection experts. Our pest inspection services are designed to identify and address potential intruder problems before they become a serious issue, giving you peace of mind and protecting your property.

We provide inspection services for both residential and commercial properties. Whether you’re a homeowner or business owner, we have the expertise to keep your space free from pests. In addition to addressing existing pest problems, we provide recommendations and strategies for preventing future infestations. Our team knows how to make the commercial pest inspection process effective while ensuring every corner of your property gets a thorough check.

What's on the Pest Control Inspection Checklist?

Creepy Crawlies

We'll scrutinize every inch of your space for creepy crawlies, from ants to cockroaches. If they're hiding somewhere in your place, we'll find them and send them packing.

Web Weavers

For all you people fearing spiders out there, we'll locate those sneaky spiders and eliminate their cobweb creations. Say goodbye to eight-legged squatters with our residential pest inspection service.

Rodent Roundup

If rodents are your concern, our team will track down their hideouts and provide you with a detailed pest inspection report. We'll help you secure your home or business against these furry intruders.


The Pest Removal Promise!

We believe in going above and beyond to ensure our customers feel confident about their home pest inspection. Our promise means you can count on us for:


  • A detailed inspection that leaves no stone unturned, literally!
  • A humorous and engaging pest inspection checklist and experience that’ll keep you entertained throughout the process
  • A comprehensive report outlining any potential intruder issues and our recommendations for taking action


Ah, the ninja pests! Just because you can't see them doesn't mean they're not plotting their invasion. Our inspections are like the secret agents of the pest world, uncovering hidden threats.
Don't worry, as we're not here to snoop through your diary. Our inspections are respectful and discreet, like a butler examining your home to ensure it's always in tip-top shape.
We're faster than a squirrel on a caffeine high! Most inspections are quick, and we'll work around your schedule. There is no need to cancel your Netflix binge for us, as we're in and out.
You bet! Think of us as the Sherlock Holmes of the pest world. We not only find the culprits but also provide you with a security plan to keep your home or business pest-proof.
It's not a bank heist, and it's an investment in peace of mind. The cost depends on your location, the type of inspection, and the size of the property. We promise you'll find it a lot cheaper than dealing with a full-blown pest takeover!

Are You Ready to Unmask Your Uninvited Guests?

Hire a Pestie – where pest inspection becomes a caper and pests learn that there’s no hiding from our watchful eyes!


Don’t let intruders lurk in the shadows any longer. Contact Hire a Pestie today and let us transform your pest inspection into a busting adventure. Get ready for some laughs, surprises, and, most importantly, a pest-free space. Call us now, and let the best pest inspection begin!

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