Pest Control



Welcome to our Pest Control Services, where we tackle your pest problems with a whole lot of expertise. When pests decide to crash your party, it’s time to show them the door with our help. So, let’s dive into the world of critters and learn how we can make your home a pest-free sanctuary.

Meet the Uninvited Guests


Cockroaches, nature's ultimate survivors, have a knack for invading homes and businesses. Don't let cockroaches disrupt your peace of mind, as we are here to ensure a roach-free space.


These little fellows have an uncanny knack for showing up uninvited, often with an entire army. Our ant control experts are like the bouncers of your house, making sure these six-legged gatecrashers don't cross the line.


While spiders can be fascinating, they're not the best roommates. Our spider control experts can help you keep your space free from these eight-legged squatters.

Earwigs, Millipedes, Centipedes

Choose Hire-a-Pestie team for Earwigs, Millipedes, and Centipedes removal. Our proven techniques, inspired by our successful spider and ant treatments, guarantee a pest-free space.


Fleas can be a relentless problem, but there is nothing to worry about as the Hire-a-Pestie team is by your side. Don't face sleepless nights because of fleas, and let us handle this problem like a pro.

Feral Pests

Feral pests can disrupt your property's peace. Choose Hire-a-Prestie to manage and eliminate these unwanted intruders effectively and ethically, restoring peace to your home and surroundings.


The persistent party crashers of the insect world, mosquitoes are always buzzing around, ruining your outdoor fun. Our mosquito control service will help you take back your yard and enjoy those summer evenings mosquito-free.


Flies can be persistent irritants. Our expertise will help you enjoy a pest-free environment, keeping your home peaceful and hygienic, so you can focus on what matters most.


Wasps can be aggressive and disruptive, posing a threat to your outdoor enjoyment. Our expert solutions ensure a wasp-free environment, allowing you to enjoy your outdoor spaces without worry.


Bees are essential for our environment, but not when they decide to set up shop in your attic. Our bee removal service can safely relocate them to a more bee-friendly location.

Carpet Moths

Carpet moths can ruin your carpets and upholstery, but with our proactive approach, your textiles will stay protected and pristine, preserving the beauty and longevity of your interior decor.


Possums can be noisy and destructive, impacting your property's serenity. Trust Hire-a-Pestie for humane and responsible management of these creatures, ensuring harmonious coexistence with local wildlife.


Rats can cause significant structural damage to your space and carry diseases too. Trust Hire-a-Pestie to rid your home of these pests.


Mice can quickly multiply, creating a nuisance at your home or office. Hire-a-Pestie offers effective solutions to keep your home rodent-free.


Cockroaches, nature's ultimate survivors, have a knack for invading homes and businesses. Don't let cockroaches disrupt your peace of mind, as we are here to ensure a roach-free space.


These little fellows have an uncanny knack for showing up uninvited, often with an entire army. Our ant control experts are like the bouncers of your house, making sure these six-legged gatecrashers don't cross the line.


While spiders can be fascinating, they're not the best roommates. Our spider control experts can help you keep your space free from these eight-legged squatters.

Earwigs, Millipedes, Centipedes

Choose Hire-a-Pestie team for Earwigs, Millipedes, and Centipedes removal. Our proven techniques, inspired by our successful spider and ant treatments, guarantee a pest-free space.


Fleas can be a relentless problem, but there is nothing to worry about as the Hire-a-Pestie team is by your side. Don't face sleepless nights because of fleas, and let us handle this problem like a pro.

Feral Pests

Feral pests can disrupt your property's peace. Choose Hire-a-Prestie to manage and eliminate these unwanted intruders effectively and ethically, restoring peace to your home and surroundings.


The persistent party crashers of the insect world, mosquitoes are always buzzing around, ruining your outdoor fun. Our mosquito control service will help you take back your yard and enjoy those summer evenings mosquito-free.


Flies can be persistent irritants. Our expertise will help you enjoy a pest-free environment, keeping your home peaceful and hygienic, so you can focus on what matters most.


Wasps can be aggressive and disruptive, posing a threat to your outdoor enjoyment. Our expert solutions ensure a wasp-free environment, allowing you to enjoy your outdoor spaces without worry.


Bees are essential for our environment, but not when they decide to set up shop in your attic. Our bee removal service can safely relocate them to a more bee-friendly location.

Carpet Moths

Carpet moths can ruin your carpets and upholstery, but with our proactive approach, your textiles will stay protected and pristine, preserving the beauty and longevity of your interior decor.


Possums can be noisy and destructive, impacting your property's serenity. Trust Hire-a-Pestie for humane and responsible management of these creatures, ensuring harmonious coexistence with local wildlife.


Rats can cause significant structural damage to your space and carry diseases too. Trust Hire-a-Pestie to rid your home of these pests.


Mice can quickly multiply, creating a nuisance at your home or office. Hire-a-Pestie offers effective solutions to keep your home rodent-free.

pre construction pest control in melbourne

Why Choose Hire-a-Pestie?

We’ve got the experience and know-how to deal with pests of all shapes and sizes. With our friendly yet effective approach, we’ll make sure your home is the place to be for you and your invited guests, not the pests.
So, if you’re ready to show those pests the exit door and enjoy a critter-free space, contact us today. We’re here to make your home a pest-free haven, one witty step at a time!

Our Pest Control Approach

Our approach to pest control is like hosting a no-entry party for unwanted guests. We use a combination of environmentally friendly techniques, thorough inspections, and tailored solutions to make sure your home is inhospitable to pests.


Yes, ants are frequent uninvited guests, and they can quickly become a nuisance. Our ant control services can help you evict them from your home.
To fend off mosquitos, consider eliminating standing water, using mosquito-repellent plants, and installing mosquito screens. For added protection, you can opt for our mosquito control services.
No, not all spiders are harmful, but it's hard to distinguish between friendly ones and potential threats. If you're concerned about spiders in your home, our spider control experts can help you identify and manage them.
If you discover a beehive on your property, it's best to contact our bee removal service. Attempting to handle it yourself can be risky, and our experts can safely relocate the bees without harm.
Spiders can be seen in the corners of windows, sills, walls, outside plants and trees, shed areas, and storage areas due to shelter and a potential food source. Regular cleaning and pest control services can help manage spider populations.
Cockroaches are most active at night and often come out to search for food and water. If you see them outside of their hiding spots, it's a sign of a potential infestation and should be addressed promptly by pest control experts.
If you hear crawling or scratching noises from the roof or walls during the night, it may indicate the presence of rats or mice. Rats are particularly active in the early morning hours before sunrise. In such a case, you should call our pest experts immediately.
Wasp activity, including Australian wasps and European wasps, can be observed in various locations, including the lawn, backyard, front yard, under plants, wall cavities, roof tile gaps, or roof gutter gaps. Identifying the specific species is crucial for effective pest control, and our experts are well-equipped to assist in this regard.
Ant pests are organized insects that form colonies around homes, looking for food and shelter. They use scent trails, making them tricky to eliminate. Our pest control services can assess the issue, identify ant species, and apply effective methods, like baiting and barriers, to keep your property ant-free.

Call us now for a Pest-free experience!

So, there you have it! When pests crash the party, we’re the hosts you can rely on to show them the exit. Reach out to us for a pest-free, critter-free, and stress-free space!
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